
Samos Part 2

The second and last part of our trip to the Creek island of Samos.


Sea barrier

Sea barrier


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Samos Part 1

Together with Jacqui, I went for a week to the Creek Island of Samos. A beautiful island where we had a well deserved holiday.

The island has stunning coastlines, picturesque towns, very hospitable people, it is quite green, has some nice mountains and a couple of wonderful hidden gems.

Please find the first part of the series.




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Winner contest ‘Dutch skies’

During August and September 2014 there was an exhibition about ‘Dutch skies’ in museum De Hallen in Haarlem. Different kinds of art related to Dutch skies, were shown in the museum. On my birthday we went to this very interesting exhibition.

Parallel with this exhibition, a photo contest was organized and I’m proud to announce that I’m one of the three winners.

Here you can find the announcement of the museum.

My winner photo:

Majestic cloud

Majestic cloud

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The colour purple

August is the time when the heather on the Posbank is in bloom and colours purple. The wild horses are a nice contrast in this colourful world.

Purple dinner

Purple dinner


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Ireland June 2014

We had a short visit to Ireland last June. Luckily some opportunities to make some shots in the city of Waterford and along the Copper Coast.

Hope you enjoy them.

Defeating time

Defeating time


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Suriname part 4

The last part of the series of my visit to Surinam.

Hope you enjoy it and thanks very much for checking my blog.

Check also my gallery.




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Suriname part 3

Here the third part of the series of my trip to Surinam.

Hope you like it.

Thanks for watching.

Blue hour on lake Brokopondo

Blue hour on lake Brokopondo


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Suriname Part 2

Part 2 of my series of Suriname.

Hope you like it.

Thanks for watching.




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Suriname Part 1

For work I spent two weeks in Suriname. This country used to be a Dutch colony and their official language is Dutch. For that reason I was asked to give a training at Staatsolie in Paramaribo.

Fortunately there was some time to explore and take pictures.

This is the first series, hope you enjoy them.

Rainbow over the Suriname river

Rainbow over the Suriname river

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Stockholm Part 3

The last part of the series of our stay in Stockholm last month.

After the buildings, the b/w images, now the people of the city.

Hope you will enjoy the series.

Changing of the guards

Changing of the guards

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