From set to rise

After working in Amsterdam, I took a detour along the Markermeer hoping for a beautiful sunset. It was well  worth the effort because the sky was really stunning during the sunset. The morning after I went to the Posbank hoping for a foggy sunrise. The sunrise wasn’t as stunning as the sunset the night before, but still beautiful light over the hills of the Posbank.

Hope you like the series.

Thanks for watching.

From set ………………..

PB 141010 173412

PB 141010 174126


PB 141010 175721


PB 141010 183756


PB 141010 184358


PB 141010 185314


PB 141010 190351


………….. to rise.

PB 141011 074427


PB 141011 075407


PB 141011 081004


PB 141011 081758


PB 141011 082157


PB 141011 082343